How to Remove Write Protection From Pen drive

How to Remove Write Protection From Pen drive

In these days technology goes very fast and old technology left back. In digital technology main thing is data handling in old days we store our data in floppy disk,CD,DVD but handling of CD, DVD is hard and costly and storage is low but the invention of pen drive changed the face, it is low cost high storage capacity and main thing is that this device is plug and play so we use easily. we use pen drive with password protection for data safety. But this is a feature to secure data but sometime pen drive malfunctions and it show write protection.Then neither we delete data nor copy and not we can format the pen drive.

How To Remove Write Protection From Pen drive, SD Card
We remove write protection in many ways:
Type 1
 Remove Write Protection From Pen drive Using Registry Editor

To remove write protection with this type follow step by step

  • First we open run
  • Then type ‘regedit’ and press Enter,Now a window for registry editor will be open
  • After it we open ‘hkey local machine’
  • then click on system and then ‘current control set’
  • after it we open ‘policies’ now click- write protection and fill the value-0
    and close the registry editor

We hope that this type you remove write protection successfully.

Type 2
  remove write protection from  pen drive with cmd

If your problem not solved with registry editor, you can try to solve with cmd.

  • First we open run
  • Then type ‘cmd’ and press Enter,Now a window for ‘command prompt’ will be open
  • then type ‘diskpart’ ,then a new window will be open
  • Type ‘list disk’ and press enter
  • then type ‘select disk ?’ (? = your pen drive drive name like 0-1, make sure which drive is your pen drive ) and press enter
  • then ‘attributes disk clear readonly’ and press enter
    now  ‘exit’

this type you remove write protection successfully

If you have any problem then comment and if solve your problem then share it to others

Also read-How to Increase Phone’s Internal Memory using Memory card

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